Burn it to the Ground

Everything seemed so beyond her control, just out of her reach. There were times where she felt as if she was in a realm all her own. There was always the question of; what could she do. Anu asked it again and again. How to bring Colibri to her rightful home, to her place of safety. How to explain that Anu only wanted to show the woman love, to show her something she had never experienced. There was frustration, insecurity, and a dull pain that lingered around her heart. At a moment of weakness it gladly began to strangle her courage, smother her strength until she was nothing more then a shell. If she could just get there, maybe if she could just get to the moment where Coli said she would never go, say she was hers and would never belong to another. Maybe then her world would not crumble so easily at the smallest notion of unease. The chaos of her world would have meaning where it lacked order.

He would give in that easily? He would allow her to live on in ignorance while he suffered? Why? Couldn’t they all be happy. No matter their status? In the end they were all flesh and blood, nothing more. Anu looked away, her face soft even as her mind whirled with thoughts. What made this woman beyond him? What made him unworthy? Anu wondered. She was a wolf of so called power, the second to the Dreamer’s Commander. But love couldn’t see rank, it couldn’t tell who was beautiful and who wasn’t. It caught hold and would not let go, and this boy was in the thralls and Anu could see that he would not be let go. “I’m Anu.” She spoke, eyes on the ground as she thought. “Who are you?” She asked, her voice harder in tone but in no way angry. Blue orbs looked upwards to meet the lavender of the Dahlian’s.


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