green eyes don't lie
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Though he was technically involved with Inferni, Snake still felt as though he was still independent. He was not one to go out and socialize with the other coyotes. He did not hunt with others. He barely even knew his leaders or clan-mates. He mostly stayed in his section of Inferni—the section that most other coyotes did not go—and minded his own business. It wasn’t as if this was not what he wanted; it was exactly what he wanted. When he needed help or when they needed help, he would go and do so. But, otherwise, he lived alone, like coyotes were used to doing.

He didn’t fear for winter weather, because he could adapt. If he grew cold as the snows and ice approached, he would seal up his den better and he would get more blankets. No big deal. So he merely shrugged at Daisuke’s worries, though he was somewhat flattered that anyone would care about him. Within the whole wide world, the coyote was beginning to think that the only people who cared if he lived or died was the wolf before him and his parents (though certainly to a less extent, he believed). He wasn’t sure how to regard that realization.

What Daisuke proposed he would do in the winter seemed functional, though Snake himself wouldn’t really go about doing it. He’d rather stay in one place that he knew was good and range as wide as he needed to in order to get food. But nomadic lifestyle worked, and perhaps it worked better for the golden wolf than it did the coyote. He nodded, thinking himself that Daisuke was one who lived in the moment and didn’t consider the future. Snake was sometimes the same, though he tended to consider tomorrow in addition to today.

The thought of the loner in a pack brought a small smile to Snake’s lips, though it disappeared with the next bite of his fish. “Do whatever you feel like,” he merely suggested—there was no reason signing up with a wolf pack if you didn’t want to. It was a lot of responsibility, and Snake wasn’t sure how Daisuke would do, shackled with such things. As for the question directed at him, Snake cleared his throat with a drink of the burning vodka before replying, “I wasn’t looking to do so. I came across the borders here and a coyote, Hezekiah, met me. When I heard it was a coyote clan, I thought that it must be dangerous for my kind if they choose to group together behind fences of skulls, so I thought it best for me to join as well.” He looked up from his meal to his friend, his eyes a little more solemn and his voice somewhat hushed. “Nothing sentimental ties me here. The moment that the relationship between me and Inferni becomes less than beneficial to me is the day I pack up and get going.”

He had not told anyone these thoughts of his until now. Luckily, Snake was pretty certain that Daisuke wouldn’t go whispering such things into the ears of the Inferni leaders.


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