careening shamelessly into oblivion
My turn to delay the thread further... XD;; We're both just so awesome, haha. And sorry for the shortness here. o:

Ehno turned his own gaze to the dark corner that had his nephew’s attention. He was rather certain that he had seen their little monster run toward that spot as well. He nodded in confirmation, amber-gold eyes scrutinizing the corner for any signs of movement. Nothing happened, nothing moved, and the silence remained in the little room. They must have truly frightened that little beast to cause him to keep so silent and still now. Ehno felt a twinge of guilt for scaring the little guy so much with their game, but they were only having a little fun, no harm done. He figured they could take a look at the tiny monster one last time before sending it on its way. He turned his attention to his nephew after a moment, read to share one last plan of attack. "Ci insinueremo su lui un più tempo, lentamente. Lo lasceremo via da facile e non lo spaventa molto questo tempo," he said with a wink. "Lei si insinua sopra dalla sinistra, ed andrò dalla destra.” With that, he began to slink toward the darkened corner.

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