Hear me when I say, when I say I believe

LURRRRVE! Sorry if this is kind of weird, it took me a while to write x.x 300+

For all he had changed, to his eyes his mother didn't seem to have changed a bit and that was very comforting to him. So many things in his life as he had grown into adolescence had seemed so unstable and shifting that he hadn't had anything to grab onto. The two things that he had known would always be there had been his sister and Anu. She was as steady and true as the trees that she loved so much and he would never be able to thank her enough for being like that. When so much was uncertain it was always good to know you had at least one thing that wouldn't change on you. His mother would always love him and always be there for him, he knew.

If Haven had been able to see what had played behind the seemingly tranquil eyes that his mother held he would have no doubt flown into a protective rage. He had seen what Haku Soul could do first hand and if he had known he had harassed his mother he would have ridden to the flower pack's borders like a bat out of hell with his naked sword and done all he could to cut the man to pieces. Anger was not something that he let get the best of him often (or at least that's what he tried for) but when it came to his family he couldn't help himself. If anything ever threatened them he would stop at nothing to make it go away.

Drogon nosed Anu's hand as she put it out, most likely sniffing for his favorite snack. Haven chuckled. "She doesn't have any apples for you dummy." The stallion snorted in derision and his tail flicked, but his kind demeanor stayed in place. "It seems he does," he said smiling. At her statement he couldn't help the guilt that flooded him. His ears folded back and he looked away from her for a moment in shame. "I know...I'm sorry. I should have come to visit sooner." He had been too wrapped up in Cour des Miracles and his own problems though, lame as an excuse as that was. "Yeah, it is. I'm one of the higher ranked there, I make sure everyone's kept safe." It was a duty to the yearling took very seriously. "How are things around here?" Haven would always care for Crimson Dreams and he hoped that things were as good as always.


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