Hear me when I say, when I say I believe

wasn't weird to read <33
400 on the dot xD

Never before this period of her life had Anu held any secrets. She was plain as day, wearing her emotion and her life on the fringes of her muted tawny pelt. And then, as her world began to twist and turn with the changes of relationships and loyalties Anu found that it was best if she kept certain things hidden. It was to protect those around her, to shield them from the pain that she feared they would endure. The woman would not breathe a word of the experience within the Dahlia borders to her son. Never would she speak of it. But there was fear rising in her chest, a worry the evil that lived within those boundaries would filter out into the homes of those she loved. Maybe she would mention it, warn him against it. But then would he question further, would he grow curious and venture north to challenge the creature that Anu believed to be heartless and void of any soul?

Anu was pushed from the thought when she felt the nudge of the horse’s velvet nose. Eyes focused on the dark eyes of the long face, and the mother met Haven’s smile with one of her own. The guilt soon came to her face, and she shook her head and spoke to comfort him. “I’m glad you’re happy there.” Her tone was genuine, even if she missed him more then he would ever know. She would not need to worry if he was always under her watch, but his happiness was priority. The pack gave him his rightful sense of purpose, and Anu would never wish to take that away from him. “That suites you. Every pack needs a guardian.” Finding that Haven was among the higher ranks was not surprising at the least. He had been born to leaders, raised with the love of a pack and held the instincts of an alpha.

“Things have settled, after Naniko’s leave.” Anu explained with a calm tone, wondering silently how much he knew of his birth mother’s incident. She wouldn’t allow any bitterness to seep into her voice, and changed the topic quickly. “Another litter has been born, to Jazper and Savina’s sister Ghita… Your sisters are well.” Anu informed as she thought of all those that lived in the Manor. They missed him, but Anu was finished placing any more guilt on the male.


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