green eyes don't lie
In your next post, you can RP them already at the springs—no need to really explain the journey, I wouldn't think.

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Daisuke nodded and said that he understood, though Snake doubted that he agreed—and he doubted that he would ever agree. Snake was certainly not out to try and change minds, so he didn’t mind in the least. If his friend wished to remain a nomad amongst the unclaimed lands of the chilly Atlantic coast and commune with nature, he was welcome to. The coyote, on the other hand, was very pleased with his involvement in Inferni, and liked having his cozy car-den to return to after a day’s worth of hunting, patrolling, and other general things.

He didn’t respond to the wolf’s reflections on why he chose to live outside of packs, especially since he didn’t really comprehend his sentiments. Snake was not a social creature—most everyone could notice that, and it was especially out of character that this friendship had sprung up between him and the golden-furred lone wolf. Usually when he bid someone goodbye, he was glad. Speaking to others, having to continue conversations, it was all taxing to him. He was always relieved to go home to his den, light a fire, eat something, and enjoy the sounds of the night. It was the simple things that made Snake the most content, really.

The coyote remained quiet, watching the fire writhe in its stone prison and hearing it crack and hiss. He only glanced up when Daisuke celebrated the knowledge of Snake agreeing to share any important news with him, broken up by a hiccup and a giggle. You need to learn to hold your booze better, the coyote thought neutrally, though he didn’t say anything aloud.

As for a place to go visit, Snake did know of a place, though they would have to traverse most of the Inferni lands to get there. The coyote pondered this, standing up and leaning against the side of the car. “Yeah… but it’s in Inferni. We’ll have to move fast, and if anyone comes across us, just leave the talking to me.” He was sure he’d be able to convince any of the other coyotes that he was merely escorting a prisoner out of the lands… or something. Why shouldn’t they? He hadn’t done anything traitorous yet. Or not anything that they knew of.

The coyote lycanthrope then began to walk northwards, and slightly east. Once they reached the coast they would follow it around the bend of the bay and then somewhat west, eventually turning north to where great, rolling clouds of pale smoke roiled into the skies. Of course, it wasn’t smoke—there was no fire. He was going to show his friend the place that he had discovered with Kaena only days prior, a place where volcanic heat warmed the waters of a spring. Because the air was so cold, the warm air condensed and formed a towering cloud of steam that stretched to the skies above Hades Coast. Daisuke should feel quite lucky in this—Snake didn’t think any outsider had seen this place yet.


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