Hear me when I say, when I say I believe

I have Pokerface stuck in my head D: 300+

Haven already knew what Haku Soul was capable of, he had seen it with his own eyes. Though that shadow that Cour des Miracles had been formed under was very distant from his mind now. The male hadn't troubled them any more to his knowledge. In fact, Svara had been the one to cause the most recent problems. It was probably horribly callous of the male, but he felt no sorrow or remorse over her suicide. He hadn't wished her dead by any means, but she had been a thorn in the pack's side since her return and he was happy that she was no longer around to cause problems. If she had still been around and caused another scene like she had with Firefly then the Knight would have done all in his power to get her permanently banned from the lands. Internal conflict was something that could kill a pack faster than any outside force.

It was strange to think about how close he was to his sister and yet he knew so little about her everyday life. What she did here and who she spent her time with. He had gotten the sense that something could have been developing between her and Princess' brother and he had conflicted feelings about it. He didn't think Ares was a bad guy, but he was going to be suspicious of any man that took an interest in Mati. "Wow really? It's been that long?" It was a little mind-boggling that Savina's litter was all grown up. They had been born right before he had fled to hide in the city. Had it really been that many months?

"That's wonderful, I'm glad he's happy." The large, dark male had been great with him and his siblings when they had been little. It was great to hear that he finally had kids of his own to take care of. His mother's next question caught him off-guard and it was a good thing he hadn't been eating or drinking anything because he probably would have choked on it. "Uhhh...wow...I..." His mind flashed to Princess and how pups were made and he had to shake his head to clear it of the images it conjured. "I don't know. I don't know if I'm ready to be a dad yet," he said with an awkward chuckle. "I am kind of seeing a girl that lives here though. Her name's Princess." Haven wanted to share this information with her, he only hoped that she would not ask about their first meeting.


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