Hear me when I say, when I say I believe


It would be her greatest wish to watch over her children every day. Just to see them grow in every manner. Her worrying would be calmed and she would not miss as much as she was sure she did day in and day out. Anu would not miss the growth of Haven’s delegation; she would see that he was beyond even her expectation in fighting skill and tactic. She would be part of his mission of defense and when all else failed, Anu could try to protect him herself. She had done little to free Coli from Haku’s grasp, but perhaps if she hadn’t arrived the male would have take her in that indecent way once more. Or, he would have killed her. Though the regrets about his move were present, Anu knew that this was the best thing that could happen for the orange knight. She watched him in the most simplistic of ways, the motion of his hands in conversation, the stance he took, his strait back and the way his ears folded at the sadden change of her voice. All of that reminded her of the past, and yet each held an essence that was unfamiliar to her, new and mature.

Anu nodded at his question. The litter was very much grown, though not a year old yet. Their kind matured at the same pace as their more feral brethren, and at a year shy they had almost peaked at their height and length. There, of course, would still be so much maturing to occur, but they each had plenty of time. It was his response to her last question that Anu was searching for. In some ways she was just looking for that reaction, not an answer. But once he recovered from the shock of the notion he followed through with some surprising news. The mother looked at the male with wide eyes, and a smile.
“One of the Chance siblings?” She questioned, though she already knew the answer.
“She’s pretty.” Anu commented with yet another smirk. The more she thought of it the more she desired a little pack of grandpups and Mati was the pack nanny, but her mind was very far from motherhood. Haven had always shown great potential in the ways of a father.
“I would love some, but...” She spoke with hands raised in defeat,
“only when your ready.” her tone was light and humorous.


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