Bad things
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The unexpected warmth present in the child’s eyes as she looked to the older male was not expected, and Conor’s eyes widened slightly in silent puzzlement. The girl uttered a single syllabus word and he was again puzzled – and wishing she would have answered his question instead. He did not understand. How could she seek warmth by walking into the wintery landscape with a temperature forcing mist into her breath? Golden ears folded slowly in continuous worry for the young child that still smelled of Cour de Miracles. The Lierre would have to make his first visit to the hybrid pack soon in pursuit of some information about the girl. She had been accepted into the pack, but Conor’s silent hope was that she was merely lost and confused. Another pack had been her home and she had arrived alone, this was not right.

The girl’s voice spoke up again as she moved away from him. She seemed so vulnerable, yet determined to show strength in a manner that he had not seen before in another creature. The young adult remained silent, unable to grant her guidance in her impossible search. Warmth could be heat, could be love, though which one she meant he did not know. His lilac eyes watched as her sapphire stars were emptied for the expression he already had determined as rare for her. She served him a question and for a third time surprise washed through the boy. ”I don’t know, Night.” He wished he could understand this strange little child. ”What does it feel like, this warmth?” he asked her with honest wonder.


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