When the day comes, look into my eyes


Ruri smiled as Heath remarked about Lumiere being determined to win next time. If anyone would know what his horse was thinking it was Heath. He was able to read them like books, quite a useful talent for the Marshal of the pack to possess. As they neared the end of the row of stables, the ivory and merle woman finally turned the corner to discover what it was that had been making all of that rustling noise. Surely Heath could hear it now, for they were close enough that she no longer had to focus on the sound.

The rustling was coming from a pile of hay in the corner of the stable building, Ruri could feel the pile of dried plant matter beneath her feet as she slowly moved away from Heath to investigate. "I know something's over hear, but I can't figure out what it is. I can smell it too, but I don't know what it is" she thought out loud, now intent on finding whatever this creature was. Even for a blind girl, investigating strange things was highly enjoyable. Even if she would not be able to see what it was that she was looking for she would still search. It only took her a few moments to discover the source of the rustling, which announced itself with a high-pitched 'mew'! before sniffing curiously at the white furred hand that cautiously reached to touch it.

This creature was none other than a kitten. It's fur was thick and fluffy, and orange like flames with darker stripes of the same color running in a random pattern over its form. The small feline's eyes were a deep green, and it's tiny, pointed ears, donned little tufts of fur. After sniffing Ruri's hand for a good minute or two, the small feline seemed to realize that it was in no danger and it jumped out of the haystack to go and investigate the other large creature that was standing behind this friendly one. It's long tail twitched in curiosity as it clumsily traipsed across the floor until it was by Heath's feet, where it quickly started to mew and carefully analyze the coy-wolf. Was this one safe too?

Of course, having discovered the source of the sound Ruri giggled as she listened to the small kitten mewing at Heath. It sounded to her like it was introducing itself though she could not by any means determine what it was saying."It seems that this little one decided that the stables were a fun place to play. It's a cat, isn't it? I believe Firefly has one that she calls Elroy, though I've never been able to get close enough to touch it." Ruri commented, sitting atop the haystack while the kitten continued to investigate Heath. THe silver and ivory female only wanted to listen to what Heath would do with the small creature.


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