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OOC: hope this is a good enough post. ^^; sorry if it sucks.

Aria was curled up in her den, squirming happily from her dreams. In her subconscious, the white and gray wolf was a pup again, playing with her parents without a care in the world. The innocent years of her childhood (or would it be pup-hood?) was replayed over and over again in her mind and she enjoyed every moment of it. But the thing she enjoyed best of all was having her parents back, not knowing it was just a dream.

Back in the real world, the wolf's ears perked up at the sound of a howl to indicate a new life had been brought into the world. Instinctively getting up, she was thrust out of her dreams causing her to look around for her parents, until she remembered that she had been dreaming. Clearing her head, she shook the cold off along with the feelings of mourning that came with the realization that her parents were still dead, and headed out to where she heard the howl or new life.

After traveling for a minute or two she came across another wolf carrying a pup in her arms. Not wanting to cause an incident, the white female gave a warning bark before coming into sight of the other female, with her tail and ears down to show she's not a threat.

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