Hear me when I say, when I say I believe

SoSuWriMo 546

He couldn’t imagine that she could ever fear herself of being a disappointment to him. He didn’t really know how his other siblings felt towards her. Brooklyn had always seemed a little closer to Naniko and whenever he and Mati spoke they usually didn’t talk about Anu, though not because she didn’t matter. There had just been a lot of other, more dramatic topics for the siblings to discuss with one another as of late. Such as the downfall of their birth mother and his own failing in judgment with Princess. As guilty as he felt about sleeping with her when they were both drunk, he couldn’t fully regret what had happened. Who was to say that they would have met otherwise? And as wrong as the act struck against his values, it had helped him in getting over Siobhan. It seemed to him that it might have been a bit of a necessary evil and he couldn’t say that if he could go back and change it he would. If the choice was between what had happened and never meeting Princess at all then he would chose what had happened.

His confidence in himself was slowly growing back up, but he did need to hear the reassurance that his mother had just given him. Haven needed to know that he was doing something that she approved of and could be proud of him for. Part of his mission was to prove to himself that he didn’t have to follow the mistakes of his blood parents. He could rise above their flaws and lead a good life. He didn’t have to succumb to his father’s madness or his mother’s addiction. The male had come close with his temporary dependence on alcohol, but he was doing his best to kick that habit and stay away from the liquid fire as much as possible. He would drink it in celebratory occasions in moderation, but that would be it. It was when he drank when his spirits were down that trouble found him.

Something about this subject touched his mother closer than he knew. He could sense it, but he could not pinpoint what it was. Immediately he assumed that he must have hurt someone within Crimson Dreams and that made the heat rise up in his blood. The man was a menace and why any pack would house such a beast was beyond him. Everyone else he had met from Dahlia de Mai had been pleasant and kind. Why the associated themselves with such a monster…he couldn’t understand. The name his mother spoke rang a bell of remembrance in his head. He had met this female, they had spoken about how they both feared of becoming like their fathers. He knew what had happened to her, he just hadn’t known whom her sire was. “Colibri? I know her. I met her in the city…when I was hiding there. He attacked her again? Is she alright?” It made him feel better than she was here now, away from that man. Still, something else was tickling at him. When he had met her, she had asked about Anu, and now she was talking about Colibri. “Mom, is there something between you two?” It seemed there had to be something there.


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