Mourn the days that are gone, fair warrior
Okay, I'm closing this up so you can get posting right away. My apologies again for how long this ended up taking and thanks for your patience. Smile Glad you're feeling better too, Anya! I get migranes at least once a week -- two Excedrin usually take care of them for me. You could try that next time? Anyway, welcome to PV Big Grin Feel free to post! Maybe you guys could make a thread between you three that sort of continues from this one.

Jefferson smiled as the stranger finally introduced himself, something he himself might have expected to begin the conversation. He didn't comment on it, however; Artemis had been more courteous and to-the-point than most the potential joiners at their borders. It was characters like he that Jefferson liked when it came to new members, but the unfortunate truth was that most strangers wanting access simply didn't know how to behave.

He turned and smiled when Andrea appeared, content that his pack members were willing to show their faces to strangers."All right then," the cyclops interrupted before they could get carried away, "Artemis, you'll start out at our basic Loas rank. Prove what you can do, learn some skills, and we'll move you up from there. These two might be a good source of information for you."

He turned, rolled his shoulders, and started away. "As for me, I shall take my leave. I have the rest of the borders to check." A quick smirk over his shoulders at the two girls. "I trust you two will see that he is comfortable." And with that, Jefferson was off.


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