The dawn is coming
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    He detected increased coldness from the white female in front of him, but he was unable to tie this with what should be obvious: his own lack of proper emotional responses. Haku failed to understand that this should mean more to him than a set of new future soldiers. These were children that his big sister loved and adored; her own flesh and blood like Emwe and Conor was his. The horrible fact was that Haku was quite close to despising his offspring in general. Once upon a time before his youngest sons had even tasted their first breath he had come to Mew and told her the truth, that he was not fit as a father. She had refused to believe this; been so certain that he was wrong in his worries. Haku had never worried about this. He knew what kind of world his pathetic offspring would be born into and he knew that his own heart was black and withered and could no longer love anything but himself. They were nuisances because Cercelee had been the usual idiot and placed them in his care after Firefly had been busted at trying to stage the kidnapping to frame him as a bad father. Haku knew he was a failure and was of course never intent at trying to correct this. There was no reason for him to. Blood was thicker than water, but that saying was worthless and without any meaning to the chocolate coated Lilium. He could turn on a family member just as quickly and lethally as he would on an Inferni member. This was how much he cared for his family, which was not a hell of a lot.

Although his facial expression never changed Haku was disappointed to learn that Vesle was the name of a little girl. That left only the boy named Dexter. Dahlia had always been sort of ruled by a high number of females. He had never liked that fact, for most women were not as grand fighters as males proved to be. They dreamt of litters and motherhood while the men dreamt of protecting their families. Although family was heavily overrated to a degree where it was not even funny anymore, so many seemed to seek it. Firefly had not wished for children in the beginning, but she had been reluctant to end the pregnancy. It was very easy to terminate life once it had began to grow in the woman’s womb, but so disappointingly few chose to walk that path. Fresh blood was needed in order to continue forming new generations, but some children were not wanted. Haku was not always good at finding meaning in his streaming thoughts. Perhaps he despised children, mother- and fatherhood because he did not understand it. It was not long ago since he had tried to kill his first born daughter. The only thing he had felt had been blissful joy when he had heard her scream in pain and desperation. He had severed her beautiful tail and added it to his collection of trophies. He had let her live only so that he could ruin her life further. He was a horrible, horrible monster and Mew could not yet see this.

By now the woman had called for her young and the man’s electric blue gaze wandered over to them with interest. Not because he was their uncle, but because he would have to remember their scents and faces and he would somehow have to attempt to train them so that they would not take after their mother in weakness later on. Haku had many fleeting plans that never were breathed into life. With time and dedication these young souls could be ruined and made soulless slaves ruled by his will. As long as they were part of a pack where people believed in this thing called moral they would be unreachable for such purposes. For a moment the male felt the hunger for the children’s souls to leak into his eyes, but he did not take the time to look up at his sister to discover whether or not she had seen this small slip. His eyes were cold and empty again. He resented every trace of Lubomir that his eyes could find. Of all males his sister could have gone and screwed with, she had chosen the ancient, boring male. He was not a good example of a strong and healthy male. He had been unable to give her sons. Glance seemed to linger most with the Dexter boy. The Lilium wondered what kind of male the little one would turn out to be. It would be interesting to follow their progress as they grew older. ”Hello,” his dark voice sounded, hollowed and not twisted for the sake of the children. He did not believe in unneeded softness and baby talk.


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