When the day comes, look into my eyes


The long 'Hmmmm' that rumbled from Heath's throat made Ruri giggle, knowing that he was indeed taking this kitten naming business quite seriously. Then as he playfully leaned into her she leaned into him and listened to both his voice and the sound of the little kitten purring in her arms. Heath jokingly remarked that he would have to come and visit the kitten often, something he knew she would insist upon. Then came the coy-wolf's suggestion, the name he would give the kitten. Soleil...that meant sun. She knew that for Jac had told her when she was little. In fact, she remembered that Jac called Firefly, Petite Soleil, which meant little sun. This cat was nothing like Firefly, not as hot as the woman's personality. Of course, the sun did not have to be just hot. No, there were days when the sun simply shed a pleasant warmth on the chilled world below. For the blind luperci that was why the name fit this kitten so well. She could guess what gave Heath the inspiration to name the kitten, Soleil, but part of it had to be the warm, pleasant energy that the small feline possessed.

The silver and ivory woman's smile had only grown as she had sat there, pondering Heath's choice. It had only been a momentary pause as she had thought, but Heath might have noticed it. Little Soleil, however, did not miss a beat as he continued to bat at both Ruri's hair and Heath's dangling fingers, one forepaw for each. Turning to face the golden-eyed coywolf, the delicate border collie nodded as she spoke,"It's a perfect name. Soleil it is! And I most certainly must insist that you come visit him. We're both his family now, so if you don't come and visit him it just wouldn't be fair." She explained, in a very motherly, certain tone as she used soft-furred fingers to stroke Soleil's fluffy stomach, eliciting more purrs of enjoyment from the flaming orange feline. The Dauphine now had her head gently resting on Heath's shoulder, her long, silvery locks still hanging down for Soleil to play with. Things were getting better. Jac was not there to partake in the happiness of the moment, but she would see to it that she brought some happiness to him the next time she saw him. However, now the world as the blind collie girl saw it was beginning to right itself.


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