Hear me when I say, when I say I believe

SSWM - 603

Anu hardly liked to be away from her home, but there were times where she simply needed to be. She and Savina were only two individuals, and the realm of ‘Souls was large. She needed to venture forth and know what was happening in their world, but most of any viable information she captured came from random and surprise encounters. Still she made that small effort and unfortunately she did not come up with much. It was only after a horrible experience that Anu had wished to share such information. Even after first meeting Coli’s father weeks before the tragic event, she hadn’t told a soul of her humiliation and her foolishness. She could have saved her, and stopped it entirely. But instead Anu had made a grave mistake, gone against her instincts and allowed her emotions to blind her once more. Not again, her son would know and there was nothing that would stop her. The Miracles pack had been good to him and though Anu did not know many that he lived with she wished them all well. Such good beasts did not deserve to go unknowing or blind to the dangers of such a close lying pack.

The mother appreciated his words, more then he would ever know. It was important for her to have those small amounts of reassurance. To many times she had made the wrong decision, and though this felt right Anu could still gain from another’s kind words. There was nothing that made her believe that Colibri benefited from living among her father, but she had left family. Family that Anu did not think could care for her, protect her from her father’s wrath. Yet the woman loved them, had stayed not for herself but for them. Anu had not wished to rip her from them, and yet she had and she could not erase the guilt that lingered. His words settled her, another voice to speak aloud the thoughts that ran through her mind. And they sounded strong in the voice of her son.

There was a small bit of silence that lingered after she told him that she and Coli were indeed more then just pack mates or friends. His uncomfortable reaction and short words made Anu shift on her foot paws. The mother new all too well that the itch he scratched along his neck was proof of his unease. Of course the mother was unsure herself, not knowing exactly how to explain why or what had started such a thing. Colibri was of course not much older then he was, though she did not know if it was her age or her gender that made him uncertain. Of course he had grown up with two mothers, but still that relationship had ended and because if it she wasn’t sure if he believed it was due to the lack of compatibility two females seemed to have to those that didn’t quiet understand. She thought of starting with Haven, when two wolves love each other very much… But she knew he understood such things, she had explained it to him.

The suddenly,
“Life does not always make perfect sense Haven.” She said. Her tone was not harsh, unhappy that she had to explain herself to him. Instead it held a small bit of defeat. She was lost in the love her felt for the younger woman. Blinded by it and in so many ways Anu could do nothing to fight against it. It had defeated her, and with the surrender she had found some sort of happiness she had thought was beyond her reach.


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