Dear Prudence, won't you come out to play?
[/html]SSWM: 207

Vieira watched Rikka as she splayed out the t-shirt on the cave floor, covered by a plastic bag. Her golden eyes narrowed at the act and she jerked when finally responded to. She turned toward the figure of the woman and took a step forward but did not make it to the cave. She wanted to make sure it was all right but the smile radiating from the woman was enough to let her advance. Her hands dangled at her side for a long moment before settling on the small of her back, her fingers grasping her arms carefully and advanced into the den to spend time with the woman.

The woman remembered Kaena being upset Vieira had said something to Rikka, that she belonged to the woman, and the slave gathered on that Rikka had said something to her mother despite her objections. Vieira could not hold a grudge, however, because it was not her place. She could not hold things against anyone and as she lingered in the doorway, watching, she wondered what the other was really like. She wanted to ask but she did not and instead observed the work of the other and remained quite. She was simply the audience in the cave.


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