Dear Prudence, won't you come out to play?
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SoSuWriMo 255

It seemed she would sit, but then when Rikka wanted her to chose between the two options Vieira halted and did not seem to know what to do. Her ears flicked back in disappointment for a moment. She was torn between wanting to give the other options and telling her what to do just because it seemed to be what Vieira was more comfortable with. "Would it...make you more comfortable if I...asked you what to do?" She refused to use the term "tell" or "order", but maybe this could be a half way point for the two females who came from such different places and backgrounds.

The coy girl seemed quite confused and she supposed it wasn't much of a surprise. She doubted there was much tie dying around where they kept slaves as a normal thing. "Well, you take a plain shirt, like this, and then you twist it around and tie it and then apply some dye. It makes the shirt really colorful and pretty. It's nothing that needs to be done, it's just for fun." It was much easier to show than to tell about the process and it would undoubtedly make much more sense when Vieira saw how it was done. "I can show you and then you can make one if you'd like. Or I could give you the one I make. You could wear it this winter to keep you warmer." Vieira's pelt was even thinner than her own and she must get cold up here in Nova Scotia.


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