Dear Prudence, won't you come out to play?
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SoSuWriMo 325

She hadn't meant to make Vieira more uncomfortable by the fact that she herself felt uncomfortable. Rikka just wanted to help find a way for them to connect on a ground where they could both feel more in their element instead of out of it. She wanted the slave girl to see her as someone she could trust and that would treat her nicely. She wanted to be her friend, but so far she was not having all that much luck in that venture. Hopefully if she kept trying without pushing things would start to fall into place and they would both get used to one another. The woman heaved a small sigh, though it was only directed at the difficult situation, not at Vieira herself. "I'm just trying to find a way where we'll both be more comfortable. I know this is a bit odd for both of us." The fact that dealing with her was difficult for the other coyote was not lost on her.

The fact that Vieira was leaning in seemed like a good sign to her. "Yeah dye, it's this stuff that changes the color of fabric. It can even change fur color if you have the right kind." The commune had been far from civilized, but dyes and paints and shirts had been commonplace. She hadn't been sure if she would be able to find any dye here, but Halifax had turned out to be an inevitable jackpot. Rikka's smile grew as Vieira's did. Vieira probably didn't often get gifts and so now the golden woman was set on making something from her. "It's no problem! Here, sit down and you can watch me do it." Her words weren't an order, she would say something like that to anyone, and so she didn't feel wrong in saying it to Vieira. It would be nice for the other to just sit and watch instead of having to do something herself.


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