Dear Prudence, won't you come out to play?
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SoSuWriMo 512

Communicating with Vieira was one of the most trying times Rikka had had communicating with anyone. Oftentimes she had an easier time talking to people who she was completely at odds with because at least then she knew where they both stood. With the slender coyote though things were much more hazy and difficult. It was impossible for her to believe that the other was less than a being and so she refused to treat her any differently than she would anyone else. However it was hard then for Vieira to react to the way that Rikka was treating her. It might be a never ending viscous cycle, but she could only change herself so much. She would never be the type to try and order the other female around and tell her what to do. She wanted a more equal relationship even though she knew that things would never truly be equal in the other's mind.

Still, for the time being she would not wrack her brain over this never ending problem. Right now she would just concentrate on making a pretty and colorful shirt for Vieira. Maybe after she watched her make one she would want to make one herself. Either way though, the de le Poer woman was happy to have someone to give the shirt to once it was all dyed, dried, and finished. Once Vieira settled herself Rikka reached over to grab the fork and also the twine and brought it in front of her. Placing the prongs of the fork in the middle of the shirt she began to twirl as if she were gathering spaghetti until the fabric was all clumped up in a spiral. Then she removed the fork and grabbed the twine, tying the shirt once lengthwise and once widthwise. "You twirl it and tie it like this because if we just added the dye it would all turn out one color and that isn't very exciting. This way we can use different colors and there'll be a pretty design."

From there she grabbed the bottles of red, yellow, and blue dye and put on the gloves that would protect her fur from the dye. "Now we add the dye to each little section." With care she added the blue to one section, the red to the next, yellow to the next, and finally combined the yellow and blue in the last to create green. "Then we flip it and do the same thing to the other side." Rikka proceeded to repeat what she had done before to the undyed side of the t-shirt. Once it was all finished she looked down at it satisfied. "And that's it! Now I just have to wrap it up in one of the other bags and set it in the back of my cave to sit for a few hours. After that I'll rinse it and it'll be ready for you to wear!" She looked up to Vieira then, hoping to see that she was pleased or excited or at least some sort of positive emotion.


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