An unlikely series of events
As the water was splashed against Ty's face, his ears suddenly perked up to hear a growling noise nearby, causing him to stop drinking and stand perfectly still, waiting to hear the noise again. Sure enough, the noise echoed again, confirming that someone else was indeed there with him, but they might not be friendly. Now rising to his feet, he slowly turned to see if he could spot any movement in the forest that was just made, any sign of an unfriendly hostile coming to bite his throat and send him to his death. So far, he couldn't seethe person, but he knew that it was there.

Getting into a more cautious stance, he began to creep into the river. If an enemy was going to attack him, the best place for him was in an open spot where they would have to pop out before attacking, forcing them to cross a certain distance before being able to hurt Ty, preventing an ambush. The water flowed around his legs as he went in, the cool sensation tingling up his body was simply another emotion Ty was feeling right now. The last two people he had come into contact with were not friendly, he could only imagine his next encounter wouldn't be friendly either, although one could only hope.

Now that Ty was out in the middle of the shallow river, he remained quiet to see if the growling got louder or softer, his body remaining motionless in anticipation. He now tried to smell the air to see if he could get a bead on the person, but what wafted into his nose surprised him. Not only did he recognize the smell, he recognized the smell as friendly. Taking a risk by notifying the enemy of his position, he decided to call out to the unseen person. "Hello?" He called, asking curiously while still keeping a guard.

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