Dear Prudence, won't you come out to play?

Vieira watched Rikka work and did her best to listen as closely as she could. She wanted to learn how to do such a thing in case the woman wanted to make one for herself lately and she had to be prepared. She had to take in all the information once and do her best not to ask questions. The less she asked, or talked, the better. It had always been that way and one of the reasons she rarely, if ever, started or added conversation. She was started to catch on that Kaena might want a little more from her but it was difficult to come up with things. No one spoke to her much back in Eterne except to order her around. Life in Inferni challenged her everyday when others spoke to her; Rikka, Anselm, Gabriel. Even Kaena on a daily basis. The coyote she felt comfortable around was Snake who seemed to lack emotion and sympathy for her lifestyle. It made things easier if others accepted it and did little to provoke a life she had gone without.

When Rikka finished in a sort of ta-da fashion, Vieira looked over the wet bundled up shirt that was now an array of colors. It was still over her head but she made no comment and for a moment she stayed quiet to try and find the words for such a thing. Vieira did not think she wanted to try, things such as these did not attract her attention. Not much did and it was not a surprise if she showed disinterest. It was always about the other person and Vieira had spent a life of devotion to the other. Her legs adjusted and she closed her hands together as she put on a smile. "It is nice," she commented and nodded her head to confirm she meant it. Vieira was curious to know what it looked like when it was finished but she recalled Rikka saying it had to sit out.

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