Dear Prudence, won't you come out to play?
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SoSuWriMo 378

Rikka hadn't paid much attention to Vieira while she was busy working on the shirt. It wasn't because she was trying to ignore her, but simply she had been focused on the task at hand and considering it had been a long time since she had tie dyed anything she didn't want to mess up. That had been part of the reason she had spoke the instructions and steps out loud, it had been almost as much for her benefit as for the other's. Honestly she was surprised that she hadn't forgotten anything or had to pause and dig deep to remember what she was supposed to do next. While she had dyed a fair amount of times she had always had someone right next to her who would bail her out if she got lost. Knowing that she was capable of doing it on her own was a good feeling, like she still was carrying little pieces of the commune with her. Now, whether or not the shirt would turn out okay was yet to be seen, but she had good hopes for it.

After Vieira responded her golden eyes returned to the damp, lumpy bundle of fabric and dye, a soft laugh coming from her throat. "I know it doesn't look like much right now, but it'll be pretty once it's rinsed and finished. At least I hope it will be," she said offering a sheepish smile to the other canine. Reaching over she grabbed another garbage bag and wrapped the shirt up in it, standing to quickly take it to the back of her cave. "I'll be right back." It needed to be put in a cool and damp place for the dye to set well and the innards of a cave were perfect for that. When she reemerged she took the gloves off set them down on the bag she had used as her workspace. "It'll take most of the day to set. I can bring it by once it's ready, or you can come get it." The latter choice might be better, considering she hadn't faced Kaena since their argument. "So, how have you been Vieira?" Rikka knew normal conversation wasn't the Quintus' forte, but she honestly didn't know what else to do.


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