Dear Prudence, won't you come out to play?

Vieira straightened herself up as Rikka disappeared into the back of the cave but the woman was back in no time and her smile was still plastered on her features. Rikka was nice and just showing her own kindness toward the slave and she needed to adjust to that. She might not had been table to take much but she could try to keep a smile on her face and do what she could. Adjusting became easier the more she did it and the more she understood. It would not always be the case but she tried to adjust to her company.

She came back and gave her options to pick up the t-shirt and Vieira just nodded. "Okay," she said and looked down at her hands. Conversation was opened back up and her ears twisted on her head. Carefully, the woman started to stand in order to fit how she was supposed to be. Rikka was standing and so should she. She stretched her legs from their former positions and straightened herself out, putting her hands at her sides for a moment and tapping her thighs. "I have been okay," she said and she pressed her nail into her leg. "How are you, miss Rikka?" she asked and her tail twitched to show she was eager to know.

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