Dear Prudence, won't you come out to play?
<style type="text/css">.rikka b {color:#fec600;}</style>
SoSuWriMo 258

She knew that Vieira probably wouldn't want to stray too far away from the caves, but they could still walk down the beach and be close enough for her to hear Kaena call for her. Though she hoped that whenever their current meeting ended it would be of Vieira's own choice and not because the Centurion called for her. Had her brother come to inspect the situation yet? He certainly hadn't seemed happy about it when she had told him. One of the only reasons that she was able to handle the situation at all was she was certain that Gabriel would not allow any harm to come to the smaller canine. She may have been stationed at the lowest possible rank, but she was still a member of Inferni and deserved protection.

Rikka walked at a slow and steady pace, her eyes scanning out over the endless expanse of ocean. While she didn't know where Vieira came from, from the way she looked it was fairly obvious that she had come from a much warmer climate. The winter would be rough on her, she feared, and she wondered if there was any more she could for her. "Maybe when I make my next trip to the city I can try and find you a coat. The shirt will help keep you a little warmer, but not as much as a coat would." She wasn't much one for clothing, but even she could admit that having a coat during these months would really help make it more bearable.


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