i believe in nothing but the truth of who we are

Word Count: 378 - SoSuWriMo

come dance with the west wind and touch on the mountain tops

It was one of those days when Dawali did little. Though, still when he had little to do, his mind worked furiously. He thought of his own actions towards... certain people. He thought of all the obligations he had, how he always promised to do things without really stopping to figure out how that fit in between all the other things he had to do. He was teaching Cambria to be a medic, and that was a promise he held highly. Still, though, there were all the other things he was doing, like securing the fences for the winter, managing the stable, and generally being available for the tribesmembers, in case they should need him. Then he trained, and maintained the skills he had in hunting techniques and craftmanship. How many blankets did one male need, though? All of these thoughts circled his mind like vultures, ready to land and pick away as soon as he was no longer active with something. And so he was quite relieved when a call sounded for him. He got up and stretched a moment before heading outside. He would not use Belle today; stopping by the stable to fetch her would only delay him. His little hut was some distance from the border, but this female who had called had better just be patient. His legs could only go so fast.

He moved at a comfortable pace, powerful strides carrying him effectively, yet not in a strenuous manner across the tribe's claimed lands and to the borders. It took some time, naturally, but not unreasonably long. He always liked how they had managed to stick the village almost at the center of the claimed lands. Soon enough, he could see the waiting form of a whilte-pelted female, and he thought for Tayui for a moment as he approached her. Once close enough for dialogue without having to shout to one another, Dawali slowed down and walked very calmly, giving the femme his usual gereting; a prolonged nod, almost a bow of the head only in a way. He held the position and introduced himself, before letting his head rise and his eyes search out those of the female in front of him.
"The name's Dawali Amara. How can I help you?"


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