The dawn is coming
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    He tilted his head in silence as he looked into the jade gaze of the being that had wandered by his side in so many ways since his birth. There was no darkness in her and he thought it was sad that she would be unable to walk with him much longer. It was too late for everything now. While he was mostly untouched by this fact, he acknowledged her feelings even if he had none. After a few moments pondering her words he let his quiet voice sound again. ”I lead a pack, Mew, and patrolling is only part of my responsibilities.” He was not tired. Haku was on the very top of his age and the endless patrolling amongst other shores assigned kept his body fit to the top. Or perhaps he was. He was unable to determine whether the red eyed ghosts were real or not. Dreams were no more and he knew only black when he closed his eyes. Sleep did not bring much rest and he was starting to understand why this was. He did not acknowledge exhaustion though, so he stood tall with eyes untouched by the drowsiness that always seemed to want to claim a presence. ”I don’t have time to feel tired as long as this threat is present by the Dahlian borders.” His gaze floated in the direction of the closest border despite the concrete walls of the building they were standing inside of. ”Someone has to carry the burden when our leader chooses not to.” dark grudge was not heavy in his dark voice, but it was definitely present as he spoke these words.


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