Home is not Far from here


Ruri smiled as Heath responded to her in French. What little she knew of the language was enough to know what he had said. He greeted their kitten who had responded with a satisfied meow, leaving a smile on the blue merle's face. The strong arms that encircled her form and squeezed her gently made the delicate femme smile as she too embraced her mate, though her grip was far weaker. At the coy-wolf's question, Ruri's half-folded ears perked atop her head. Go home? We? Oh that was right, they were mates now. Ruri giggled and nodded her head, amused by her confusion. The thought of Heath living with her, in her cabin, was still somewhat foreign to the lautari and it made her laugh to think that she had been confused for a moment. "Yeah, let's go home. I think that's what Soleil has been trying to tell us," she smiled as she felt the kitten purring and rubbing against her legs, as if thanking her for finally getting what he was trying to tell them. He was cold! Even long haired kittens needed to get out of the snow after awhile. So, as his two luperci care-takers decided to return to their cabin, Soleil was already taking the lead, ready to find his favorite place in front of the fire and warm up.

Sure enough as the sun slowly dropped from the sky, the sensitive blind woman could detect the chill night air getting more frigid by the second. Having dashed out of her home in her quadrupedal form, Ruri did not have her usual, warm tunic on to help insulate her from the cold. Instead, she had her big, warm man to hug as they walked home. No longer was she shy about touching Heath. Hugging him, kissing him, all of these actions were familiar and acceptable to the tactily sensitive woman now. Her hesitation of touching others would likely linger forever as the overload of sensory information was often a lot to process for the woman, but her relationship with Heath had opened her up to expecting people to shake her hand, or give her a friendly hug as they passed her by. She had so many friends now, it would be rude to deny them those actions that were becoming commonplace in the lives of luperci. With her mate, of course, touch was one of the things she craved. She liked being completely engulfed by his sent and the feel of his fur against hers. She felt like touching him strengthened their mental connection. They both knew each other's personalities, likes and dislikes, and various other psychological aspects, but for Ruri, being physically close to Heath seemed to help her stay in tune with his emotions. It made their bond stronger.


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