No turning back {j}
Alex started to like the new wolf more and more as she listened her sweet voice started to explain everything. It was good for the ebony woman to have some company after such a long time of solitude but it was also good to know much about her pack. And the white female seemed to know everything better that Alex herself managed to find out. That only make her admire the young stranger evan more.

Please stop calling me Miss. .She spoke kindly. It wasn't her type being rised in praise or such and after all the difference between her and the other female wasn't so big either. And besides that she wasn't evan high ranked to deserve such an appelative. After she fixed that thing she kept on, relaxing obviously. Unlike many wolves she met, Alex wasn't the all aggressive kind that kept cold and stuff like that. She prefered a kind, nice talk to an useless argue.

So you have quite a backround around here.. She continued on the same relaxed tone than paused a bit to recall if she met any Kol since she joined. For nothing came to her, Alex shook her head alittle like she wanted to chase away a thought than returned to the talk she suspended for a few seconds. I've joined a while ago...Mabe a week or so. Not much that i know about the pack for now but i've seen them on a pack meeting and everyone seems ok to me. Of course i can't judge anyone just yet. The Rosen is a very nice wolf though he's alittle strange too. Alex decided not to go on with her story. She was curious about the new wolf and sure she had so much to learn from her.

The next thought that got to her made Alex become worried. war was already declared and the new female was about to ask joining into one of the packs involved. She was still young and the idea of endangerring anyone made Alex shiver. Especially with a young one like she was. You know, was is coming.... Her voice died out. It's going to be pretty bad as far as i was told. She looked away than rised on her big redish paws and watched the young female with worry on her face. She almost started to regret calling for haku. Mabe if she didn't the white female could just go away from the danger she seemed so happy to risk. Mabe she just had no idea...

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