Hear me when I say, when I say I believe

shall we wrap this one up? So we can has new bromance thread? :o 500+

If he had known the kind of fear and apprehension his reaction had caused his mother he would have been horribly ashamed of himself, more so than he already was. He wished he could be purely happy for her without all these other feelings muddling his heart and making him uncomfortable with the new and unexpected situation. He didn't know if it were wrong or right for him to feel this way, but he didn't know how to rectify the confusion just yet. He trusted in time he would become comfortable with the idea and then there would be nothing but joy for his mother's new relationship. It had just been an announcement that he had not been expecting and so having it sprung suddenly upon him made all the feelings flood him at once, good and bad. One thing he knew for sure though, he was glad in this moment that his mother preferred the affections of women to men. If it were the other way, and she had a new male suitor, he would have been horrible suspicious of man and constantly ready to pounce on anything wrong he would do. No one was allowed to treat Anu wrong, he would not stand for it. With a female he was more comfortable, more sure of his mother being treated well. Of course he wasn't blind, he knew that women could wound just as easily as men for he had felt that sting himself. Still, he was more at ease that it was a woman she was with and especially one so gentle. She deserved nothing less.

Even if he had been more unsure than he was, he would have wanted to meet whoever his mother was involving herself with. As a son, it was his job to make sure whoever she decided to spend such time with was worthy of her and would not treat her in an unbecoming matter. From what he remembered of Colibri, he could not imagine her ever doing anything to harm a fly, much less Anu, but he needed to be sure. The woman was the only parent he was truly close to and he would protect her from whatever threatened her, physically and emotionally. Plus, Haven would do whatever he could to make her happy, and he knew that nothing would please her more than for the people she loved to be on good terms and close. Perhaps one day his protection would extend to the chocolate and cream woman, though of course not in a son to mother sense. Only the tawny wolf had that privilege.

The idea of Anu making an effort to know Princess made him both happy and nervous. He doubted anyone's opinion could change his feelings for Princess, but of course his mother's opinion meant a great deal to him. As far as he knew Mati was still rather disapproving of his current beau and he didn't think he could stand it if Anu would have similar feelings. Still, her own smile brought his own back to his features and also brought the familiar burn of a blush to his cheeks. "I hope you like her," he said a bit more bashfully than he had intended. Matters of his heart made him very self conscious and a bit tongue tied.


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