Dear Prudence, won't you come out to play?
[/html]Looking at the ocean, Vieira felt a sort of calmness that Rikka felt. Perhaps it was because the other felt it as well but she did not push on it. Instead, her golden eyes watched the waves crash against the sandy beaches and she stood several yards away from where they landed, finding she did not want to get very wet against the large body of water. It was beautiful but she did not want to be in it. Little did she know that wolves and coyotes traveled across the large body of water to another world, a world she knew did not exist. To her, the world ended with the ocean and as far as her eyes could see were the end of it. She had never been told otherwise, had never asked, and had no real need for such information at this point in time.

Vieira's head snapped to look at Rikka when the question was asked and she realized she had a hard time pulling Astaroth and Sivaro away from Eterne, Mexico and there were no other words she could use to describe her former living location. "Hot," she said and looked at the sand, finding a sudden discomfort. This happened the last time she spoke with Rikka and when she spoke to Anselm. She bit her tongue and shook her head, wanting to speak no more of the place. "I have to go back," she said though she did not need to. She needed to get out of this conversation and she would rather deal with an upset Kaena than try and talk about her past to a woman she did not feel all that comfortable around and that did not understand.

With another shake of her head, Vieira stepped back on the loose sand and did her best to avoid stumbling so she could get back to the caves.[html]

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