Hear me when I say, when I say I believe


How life could weave the moments, the meetings and the happenings. It could disguise a moment of joy behind the shadow of doubt and fear. Time played along, never giving enough of itself, and allowing the fear of loosing it. But then, with its passing knowledge and experience could be gained, with time the shadows lightened and the true nature of moments once thought as horrible events wished to be forgotten were unmasked. Such a notion was a ungodly thing to decipher, and such a harrowing task was best never touched upon. They would all be better off thinking less, feeling more and allowing what came to do so. If they all just lived, and did not deconstruct the thing that living was, maybe all they would notice and feel were the moments worth what little time they truly had.

Anu would make the time to meet Princess one on one. This was someone that he had real heartfelt feelings for, and she was not about to let him fell into a deep relationship without meeting her. Of course there was no stopping him, and so it would be her place to seek the young female out. Just as he might feel for her, Anu would try to protect him as best she could. His heart was not made of stone, a fact that Anu was proud and grateful for. He would feel the pain a woman could bring, and Anu felt very much the same in wishing to seek out anyone that might be toying with the heart of the Knight. Protect him from teeth and claws she could not, but the viperous fangs of a woman? She could.

The mother saw the change in Haven, turning a bit more shy then when they had spoken about earlier subjects. Anu nodded,
“I’m sure I will.” She assured him with a small smile. She did, at the distant relationship that pack meetings and gathers might bring. The female went to the horse, touching his long nose and almost whispering something to the stallion. She hoped that he would keep her son safe, be as steady and reliable as he needed him to be. She hated that she needed to send him, but it was best. If Anu did not she would want him to stay the night, as to not travel in the dark. And she turned to the orange wolf, blue eyes dancing lightly over his face and spoke with the tone that came when ever thinking about how truly proud she was of him.

“They will be missing you.” She was not far from asking him to stay, like the days when he had to be home and in bed before dark. But...
“Travel safe.” She commanded, though her words were soft and frail as always.



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