No turning back {j}
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wcp 5

    Face tilted slowly as the white female decided to dare to speak in his presence without his direct allowance and now that intensive gaze returned to the bi-coloured orbs that she had best to keep at the ground. Haku did rarely bother to truly do things after the books, but some of the latest additions to the pack had made his ego hungry for more. Simple Minos and his primitive obedience, other members that seemed to worship him and crawl with submission did they only suspect his presence. He liked it. He liked it a lot. He did not want to see them think openly. He wished for none of his pack members to possess higher minds. They were all going to be tossed into the hungry fires of war. Not once did it occur to the beast that his life too was one that could be threatened and removed in the battles that lay ahead. He was truly incapable of thinking such thoughts, because he knew that he was a higher being with a glorious quest. When Haku thought of death, it was in a spiritual sense. His body and his glowing blue eyes would never falter, would never die.

”And are you less confused today?” he wondered, eyeing her with that arrogance that suited him so well. Fresh cuts shone hotter than those old faded lines in his face. It should be obvious to her that peace and quiet would not be found within these lands. Why exactly was she here. Overall he knew that it was beneath him to ponder about her reasons. He had more important and giving things to take care of, but some individuals seemed to get to him more than others and the Stormbringers blood line had always whispered of dark matter even though the last ones he had seen had failed so hard. Haku was slowly changing. Images sometimes flashed across his eyes and he knew that it was the future he saw dancing in front of him. He was not the ultimate beast. For now he could settle for the title, but he was imperfect and it was unacceptable. There was gold and there was crimson and those two would mingle and create a new kind of canine. Haku was merely a messenger. The apocalypse lay far ahead still.

Alex was not particularly helpful either. “Ok” was not a word that meant much in the male’s ears, but there was no reactions dancing across the beast’s face as the pack woman spoke her words. ”Would you let her into the pack if you were me?” he wondered slowly and turned his glare to the dark furred female. ”Even if she has already betrayed us once?” His voice turned darker, as if there might be a building rage inside his chest at this thought. Truly it mattered little whether or not she had left and come back. Significant pieces did not harm the majority if they were to disappear. His eyes moved over to the white woman again. At least he would be given a pretty face for the coyotes to ruin.


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