twilight zone

Word Count: 504 Hola~! No worries. Sonja is in her optime form... Tongue

The woman was thankful the rain stopped and hopefully stopped for the rest of the day. Raskolnikov was still gone, somewhere deep in the human village, and Sonja was all right. He was well enough to take care of himself and she did not doubt he was all right. Sonja did not like to worry and was as easy going as any other wolf. She had skinned the rabbit about an half an hour ago, ready to cook it but she did not want to cook it if her husband would not be on his way back any time soon. Cooked meat was not always that great after it had cooled down and she could only keep it warm for so long before it lost its juices and became tough to eat. Rabbit was unfortunately trickier, as well, but she was confident enough she could handle it. Perhaps when they finished the house, the two of them could go in search for bigger game in order to stock up and have for a treat for themselves. After working on the building, they would definitely need a work that expanded farther than the look of their hard work. They could easily work on something to help store food over long periods of time as she had in Italy.

She turned and noticed the heat stove was not at the appropriate flame she needed for when she put the meat inside the compartment for cooking. She picked up the carrying case and moved through the house and outside the door. It still gave her a little trouble and she wondered if Raskolnikov knew a way to fix a door that always ended up stuck. Her lips twisted and she stepped down away from house, working her way around the large structure to the area where a stack of firewood was kept. There was a cloth that was draped over them in order to protect the pieces from the snow. She wondered how well it worked if the cloth got wet but it was a fabric that repelled such a thing and she wondered just how smart the humans here lived. They had managed this and the rest of the village, after all.

Sonja stacked the wood in the carrying case, about eight smaller pieces, and returned to the front of the house. As she looked through her front yard, she had a bit of deja vu. She blinked toward the creature before she lifted an arm and offered a loud enough greeting to get her attention. She always managed to be the one to draw the wolves to her but she did not mind. The other could easily go on, greet her in passing, and go about their business. It would not hurt her feelings in the least, not everyone had to talk to her, but it was a nice gesture at least. She got to meet knew wolves and her friends would end up being spread out amount the lands Raskolnikov and herself called home.

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