The dawn is coming
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    He studied the immerse gap between himself and the rest of the world. Together with realization came contentment. He knew not the strings that his beloved demon pulled in; just knew that it was the right way to go. In the past it had not been all that easy to see clearly. He had been born a weakling like everyone else – but also with a purpose. He had grown and bloomed and saw the chains of emotions lose their strength and fall off him. It was wonderful to finally feel the taste of true freedom after an entire life in captivity. Eyes narrowed when Mew’s voice drew him back into the present scene and demonstrated confusion. A solitary ear swiveled backwards in quiet surprise when she revealed that she believed that Cercelee had a family? A moment had already passed when he discovered what he meant and he shook his head curtly. ”The last child of that Sadira litter disappeared months ago and she has no children in her care.” He actually did wonder what the Rosea did during the days. He knew that it was quite the possibility that he badmouthed her worse than what was deserved, but in her absence where the burden was on him alone he had no other way of releasing steam. Not too much though, for he needed enough of it when it was time to confront the female and take what was his. Yes, he thirsted for the throne.


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