Live like you were dying
Short, sorry. :\


“You are very smart then. I’m Zorion.” Zori enjoyed the girl’s scratching on his nose, and let his eyes close as he absorbed the wonderful feeling. “Yes, I’ve seen him rather recently, you could say. He helped me get better when I had a pretty nasty fall,” Moon didn’t think she needed to know everything about that incident, and simply let that rest before continuing. “He broke one of his legs a few months back and it’s been taking a long time to heal. It probably doesn’t help that he’s huge and most braces won’t hold his weight.” he chuckled softly at that and peered at Naniko, wondering when she had last seen her father. “He promised me that he’d come back as soon as he was healed. He told me to tell you that, too. He also wanted me to tell you that he loves you very much.” He wasn’t very good at passing on intimate messages like that, so he stared at this hands holding onto the leather reins that were attached to Zorion’s bridle.


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