twilight zone

Oh, the winds are burning – ooc.

Leaving me without a name – ic.
The village was eerily quiet as the young female made her way farther in. The houses were small and quaint, their practicality obvious above all else. In some of the quarters of the towns Dahlia lay claim to there were houses of much more extravagance, hinting at a cultures of humans who lived well beyond the necessities of life. Bris couldn't understand this apparent ideology. That wasn't to say she didn't enjoy some of the little luxuries she'd found amongst the human dwellings (I mean really, who wouldn't enjoy a wonderfully soft downy blanket and mattress?) but there was a limit where little pleasures met excessive luxury.

The structures Bris passed by now held no hint of that excessively luxurious lifestyle. The were large enough to shelter a good-sized family, sturdy enough to have survived this long in the aftermath of the human extinction, and appeared to be built well enough to provide relief from the burning sun in summer, and from the bite of the snow and wind in winter. As her white paws took her farther down the little dirt road, Bris found herself admiring the particular humans who had built this place.

The voice that broke the quiet of the day halted Bris midstep. She'd become so enveloped in her thoughts that she'd completely missed any sign that would have told her of someone else's pressence. Now that she was jolted back to reality, she realized that from one of the dwellings flowed a plume of smoke, its grey wisps floating forth from a small chimney. Apparently someone had taken up residence in the house, at least temporarily, and Bris suddenly felt very much as though she were intruding. Yet as she caught sight of the woman who had called out a greeting, the white female decided to display proper manners despite her embarrassment and sauntered over with a friendly smile on her lips. "Good afternoon! Please forgive me for trespassing, I didn't know anyone actually lived here. I'm really very sorry to have disturbed you." As she stopped a polite distance from the stranger, Bris offered a dip of her head in her own respectful greeting. "My name is Bris, and it's a pleasure to meet you miss." Once again a friendly smile lit up the girl's face, her mismatched eyes glimmering with good humor in the light of the dying sun.

Table by me!


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