
In Character

This was not going to be a fair fight—this was not going to be a battle of reason and order. Gabriel was barely thinking now, even though he was conscious and aware of his own actions. No part of his madness had let him forget pain, which he felt as soon as those yellowing teeth began reaching for his neck. He felt these razors tear at his fur, pulling away the thick undercoat and reaching below for his much softer flesh. A dog fight was what they would have, and until one of them drew back, it would not end. Had he been thinking, Gabriel would have fought the wolf as he intended to do; as a coyote. But he was not thinking. He was only demanding blood, and his wolfish instincts were not allowing him to think about running.

So he clung, legs scrambling, to keep his grip and stay atop the chocolate wolf. It was like fighting a bear and even though he was clawing and shaking his head wildly, Haku’s thick fur and size were his advantage. The amber eyed hybrid ripped his shoulder free from the beasts maw (and it took that chunk of flesh and fur with it, drawing the de le Poer blood). One leg drew up and flew out, intent on striking Haku in the face. It was a gamble and were he to misstep, the monster would have his leg and it would be over.

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table by sie

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