


Jaws were already parted; screaming for the young flesh without a voice. Haku had the voice and he laughed. His eyes were an upset sea of blue and sporadic crimson. Finally. The beast had long forgotten that this was not real. The hunger for power and true immortality had rejected all sense from him. He was in the dark cellar and he could see the prison bars and increased his walking speed. He was not inside the room anymore, but this had never truly been a house in the first place. This was a broken, ruined place and the only thing that was important was that there could be no life within this place. The quiet sobs were not faint echoes anymore. Obstacles had tried to keep the man away, but now he was here and the child would die.

He was running through liquid thicker than water. There was no scent, but if the crazed man had taken time to look down he would have seen the crimson hue and known. At the bars the beast stopped and tilted his head curiously. There, just beyond his reach sat the small child. He watched the chocolate coated boy and wondered for a moment why it had been left here in the first place. The prison should have been emptied years ago – should never have existed. Perhaps it had fought its way into continuous existence after the taint had started to dig into him. The reason for why it was here mattered little though, for Haku wished only to destroy it. He threw his head in-between the bars and stretched out after the small form. He could not reach it. The child’s blue eyes found his and it knew that this would be the end.

Table credit: Sie(Kaena)

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Word Count: 332

In Character

The world was washed away in the thick smell of blood, something that flooded Gabriel’s senses and made his head spin. He could sense nothing outside of this, only that the ground under his feet was now heavy, and it was not simply pulling him down, but pulsing like a heartbeat. Gabriel remained still only long enough to pinpoint the source of the growing distress, and follow it. Fleet footed like a hunting cat, the coy-wolf moved his frame without any real direction in mind. This world was dark, and unfamiliar, and not his own. All along the length of his spine his fur raised, but it was not until that scent crept in over the blood that he understood why. Of all the demons to be in this unwelcoming place, it would be Haku Soul that he found.

Had he been thinking, he would have fought him as a Secui, knowing that his opponent was predictable, and would not be without that strength. But Gabriel’s mind was torn asunder by the scent of the blood and the fire that had caught between his eyes and filled his head with a buzzing, horrible sound. He was aware of himself, though, and this was the most dangerous thing of all. Had he not been, he might not have considered doing anything more then rushing headlong and tearing the beast limb from limb. Instead, like a stalking cat, the Aquila moved through the darkened forest (he did not know when it had become a forest) and sought to find his opponent and strike at him without discovery.

He found the monster with his head in a cage, reaching for a child that looked remarkably familiar. NOW, a familiar urge screamed, and Gabriel obeyed. He rushed forward and threw his weight, all one hundred and fifty pounds of coy-wolf into the beast, teeth seeking anything they could grab, intent on doing as he had done before and ripping the belly out of his monstrous opponent.

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table by sie


No, of course it couldn’t be that simple. There was time enough to withdraw his head from the cage before the impact. It was barely time to register exactly who this foolish intruder was as his chocolate and cream form was pushed against the metal bars. Discomfort was prominent within the male and he felt fangs seek into the fur by his neck and shoulder in pursuit of flesh and blood. Although he had been taken by surprise Haku was not taken all back. His own fangs were already searching for Gabriel’s own shoulder and neck in hunger to finally prove to the doggish hybrid that what separated them was that one of them did not hold immortality. Lifting a hind leg to rest against one of the vertical bars he started to push Gabriel de le Poer backwards; well helped by his secui advantage. Size was not Gabriel’s friend today, but Haku had never been in a true fight with the Inferni leader and took care not to underestimate the beast. He could feel the hybrid’s teeth connect with skin and dig in, but this was alright; he wanted nothing else but to get close up to the male from the start. He continued to chew into the hybrid’s thick fur; determined to show the world that the King’s blood was red like everyone else’s.

Table credit: Sie(Kaena)

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In Character

This was not going to be a fair fight—this was not going to be a battle of reason and order. Gabriel was barely thinking now, even though he was conscious and aware of his own actions. No part of his madness had let him forget pain, which he felt as soon as those yellowing teeth began reaching for his neck. He felt these razors tear at his fur, pulling away the thick undercoat and reaching below for his much softer flesh. A dog fight was what they would have, and until one of them drew back, it would not end. Had he been thinking, Gabriel would have fought the wolf as he intended to do; as a coyote. But he was not thinking. He was only demanding blood, and his wolfish instincts were not allowing him to think about running.

So he clung, legs scrambling, to keep his grip and stay atop the chocolate wolf. It was like fighting a bear and even though he was clawing and shaking his head wildly, Haku’s thick fur and size were his advantage. The amber eyed hybrid ripped his shoulder free from the beasts maw (and it took that chunk of flesh and fur with it, drawing the de le Poer blood). One leg drew up and flew out, intent on striking Haku in the face. It was a gamble and were he to misstep, the monster would have his leg and it would be over.

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table by sie


The large secui’s thoughts were shut out. All that was left was that all-consuming desire for blood and that child behind those bars. So many years had gone with constant noise within. The blue eyed child was doomed and had known it from the moment it had first seen the place that was both a prison and a safe place. The ravaged building had crippled and its defences had slowly been broken through. There was nothing left now but death. Death for Gabriel, death for Haku. Jaws clasped tight and held on. A ripping sound he had heard once before in a similar setting sounded and the blue eyed devil swallowed the remaining piece of flesh that Gabriel had chosen to part with. A clawed paw suddenly found his face and even seemed to knock a tooth loose when it collided with the Dahlian’s maw. Unable to notice what had happened, Haku’s jaws snapped greedily after the moving limb before suddenly twisting his body around and lashing out with claws and fangs in order to rip the man up good. He did not strike out to get a grip – he aimed only to cut up and crush every part of the man he could reach.

Table credit: Sie(Kaena)

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