Baby Steps to Independance, A Pup's First Memory

ooc- =waves!= Big Grin
word count: 309


Cerridwyn strolled silently through the bare forest, no sure mission in mind. She was still exploring Phoenix Valley, figuring out the ins and outs of the territory she'd been so graciously welcomed in to. Her chocolate eyes wandered in their charcoal mask, soaking in the scenery. Much as she disliked winter, there was a certain beauty to the bare trees, the clean blanket of snow marred only by tracks here and there of small animals, deer, and, of course, wolves. It was a time of silence, darkness and death, but beneath this wintery chill lay a promise of new birth, of the blossoms and babies to come. The tri-color mix could feel the subdued vibrations waiting to be let out in the trees, in the seemingly-dead bushes, in the very soil beneath her paws.

She paused, leaning on her stang, her staff with a symmetrical split at the top, and breathed deeply of the crisp winter air. She closed her eyes and relished it. The wolf-hybrid was nearly in a meditative state when a young, eager voice jolted her out of her reverie. She smiled softly and turned, walking toward the source. The saddled female broke through the trees just as the pup was finishing his interrogation, and she saw a flash of white take off through the trees. She chuckled and approached the young one, who was nearly white as the snow itself, and who was also now busying himself trying, it appeared, to consume a stump. She chuckled. "Bre'er Hare wa' nae blessed by Danu as ye an' I were wi' speech, young un," she said, musical laughter underscoring her lilting words. "But iffen he were, he'd likly tell ye tha' 'is ears're big so's to 'ear danger better, an' that he dun live inna cabin, bu' a den, an' that he likely dun know yer mum."

table credit titmouse


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