Baby Steps to Independance, A Pup's First Memory

ooc- Lol, Delwyn is adorable XD.
word count: 335


Cerriwyn let out a peal of laughter at the pup's excited exclamations. "I s'pose I do talk a bit funny, aye, an' nay, not e'eryone talks like I do." She watched him prance around, still laughing. "I've allus talked as I do, li'l un, 's how e'eryone does, where I'm from." She doubted the pup really cared for an answer to his endless stream of questions, and that was fine. It was a trait that would not serve him well if he retained it, but there was plenty of time to grow out of such a thing. Let puppies be puppies, she figured; this one was so young that a bit of impatience was acceptable.

She danced around nimbly as he tried grabbing her voluminous tail, keeping it out of his grasp. "Ah, ah, now!" she scolded gently. "'At sort o'thing 'urts, li'l un." The smile never left her face. It was so nice, she thought, for one's most important goal in life to be deciding on a game to play. There were many games she knew of that she had played when she was young, but she had been of a fairly calm temperament as a young one, and she doubted if many of the games she had played growing up could hold this one's attention for long. So she settled for one of the most basic games she knew, one that would be well suited for this one's energy level. "Le's play tag!" she exclaimed. She pointed her stang at the stump the little snowball had been chewing on a few minutes prior. "That'll be base," she said, before laying her stang in the snow. "Whoe'er's it tries t'tag whoe'er en't. Base is safe groun', ye cannae be tagged 'slong 's yer touchin' it." She paused for a moment before grinning, lunging forward and tapping the pup on the nose. "Yer it!" she called, before taking off at an easy lope, not too fast for the pup to keep up if he followed.

ooc- For the sake of not taking forever, I did go ahead and say Cerri tapped him on the nose. If that's not okay, let me know and I'll change it ^^.

table credit titmouse


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