love, reign over me

Not long at all! <3 500+ words. WotD: Vivify (to make lively).

     Princess did not like to take pity on herself, nor did she like to be the recipient of anything that could possibly be considered pity. Her entire life had been spent fighting for herself and her brother, and she had never been willing to let anyone feel bad for her. It had been hard enough telling Savina, Cercelee, and later Haven everything that she had, because she had known all too well that they would feel bad for her. Going to Haven when her brother had left and she had found out about her mother's wanted pregnancy had been instinctual, and she had later felt like she should not have gone, only because she did not want him to feel pity for her. Princess was too proud - and admittedly, also far too stubborn - to accept such a thing, and even if she knew it was not a bad thing coming from Haven, she still did not like knowing that he felt bad for her in any way.

     This is why, when Anu sat beside her and asked her such a simple question, Princess lied immediately. "I'm fine," she said, perhaps a bit too quickly, keeping her gaze firmly on the dying fire. Just like her life and mood as of late, it seemed as though there would be no way to vivify the fire. It seemed befitting that the only other thing in the room that seemed alive, and Princess saw fire as something with a life of its own, be solemn and subtle today. Anu's arrival, however, disturbed the quiet acceptance between girl and fire. The Chance girl had not been expecting anyone else to join her on the couch, though she supposed she had subconciously been hoping that someone would. If she had truly wanted to be left alone, she could have easily gone up to her room to sit in silence there, undisturbed and left to her own devices. It was not as if she had anything important to do, but she guessed she would have done the same thing upstairs as she was doing here. She just wasn't alone.

     Glancing quickly at Anu, Princess shook her head dejectedly, deciding that she was acting far too rashly. Hadn't she just been wishing that she had someone to talk all of this over with? Even if she did not know Anu very well, having only ever seen her at the pack's celebration and then again at the meeting to discuss the war, Anu certainly knew Haven and she also seemed to understand the idea of love. That was a big part of her problems right now: Love. Perhaps Anu would be able to help her. "Actually... I'm not, at all. Can I ask you something?" she inquired gently, chewing on her bottom lip nervously. It was not like her to ask for help. She did not know if Anu was even the right person to ask. Maybe Haven had not told her very much about their relationship at all, and maybe Princess would only cause problems by asking Anu for help. That would be terrible.


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