A little birdy told me...
Ooc: posting from blackberry

From what the dark wolf knew, the whelp was an orphan. She had been communicating with her adopted sister Dierdre via bird, scrawling out letters to her long lost kin by firelight every other night. As Dierdre had traveled closer and closer with Lotus she had been able to get the letters faster and faster. The Rhiannon had apparently taken the young pup in but was unable to care for him. She hadn't thought to ask if her sibling had been blessed with another litter; maybe that was the reason behind it. All that she knew was that the cinnamon female had asked for help, for Lotus to come to a place where he would have an entire pack for support.

Ember knew that the pup would be arriving today, and had made sure to get her regular duties out of the way so that she could be there at the border to wait for him. Dierdre would not stick around for very long if she did at all-- she had made mention of not wanting to remain in the lands. Bad memories, perhaps. Ember didn't know all of the wolf's story and she wouldn't question it. The pup needed a home and Aniwaya could certainly use another joyous youngster. A warrior-in- training, if he chose that path.

The shifted wolf stood tall and dark against the white backdrop, ears perked. He could come in anywhere, really. So focused was she on listening for him that she jumped nearly a foot in the air when his sharp cries met her ears. What was it that he was saying, though? She turned in the direction that she had heard the small voice, calling out as well. "Lotus? Is that you, kiddo?" she shouted, cupping her hand up by her muzzle to make the sound carry.

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