We can face this, Fight life with life
ooc- OHAI :O


As he lay on the soft snow, RJ thought about his previous memories, the pleasurable ones and the terrible ones. He sincerely missed his old home, his friends, mentors, family. That was the one thing that wavers his faith, the lack of a family to support him. His parents and others loved and pushed him to do what he loved. They were like him, knowing their faith on the Word of God. But here, in this land of death and disbelief, there was no one like him. They were all heretics, or worshipers of something RJ had never heard of. Too many of them were two leggers as well. There were so many Luperci, and RJ was not used to that at all. He was afraid that they were all a part of the rogue pack, and that they'd recognize him and kill him on the spot. Was RJ paranoid? Most definitely.

His thoughts were stirred and disrupted as a sharp voice pierced the air, his eyes opened and his turned to the side, a brown figure in sight. He turned onto his feet, promptly sinking back into the snow again. Annoyed but ignoring it, he faced the figure, which now focused into a boy, not any older than a year. His eyes were a bright purple and a rabbit was in his grasp. He must have just come from hunting, RJ figured, and assumed introductions were in order. "Good day," he yawned, still fatigued "I hope you did not think I was dead." RJ chuckled, the boy's face was now obvious with worry. "Do not worry, I was just tired from my short journey in this dreaded snow. It's so deep here," he muttered as his lifted his paw from the snow and placed it back.I assume you are another member of the pack here? My name is Reid Jefferson Sangster, or RJ if that's a mouthful for you," he chuckled again,"I am new to Dahlia de Mai."


Word Count: 300+


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