Home is not Far from here

i do that alll the time :3

She embraced him, hands first reaching for his face. Heath felt his eyes close, blind now to the world that did not consist solely of Ruri. He moved forward, leaning into the contact of their lips, his heart fluttering at the touch, but only for a moment. It resumed its quickened pound, rushing the heat of his blood to every inch, flushing his face and radiating from his core. She pulled him closer with her weaker arms, and Heath could not resist. It was the moon’s pull of the tide. The male followed as she silently asked, his chest pressing lightly against hers. Claws touched his back, fingers pressing against his shoulders as his moved to rest on her face, then sliding back to be tangled in the silver silk mane. The other, black in hue, touched her side, fingers running along her narrow ribcage, he felt her breath against his face, the rise and fall belong his narrow chest, and just beyond her ribs, the muscle felt soft beneath his touch, the fur warm, the skin beneath it electric.

It glided over the soft moon gray pelt, riding the curve of her hip, before stopping to rest upon it. She spoke, and Heath moved back to see her face. Pale eyes looked to him, finding the two golden orbs though guideless, piercing his soul and seeing through him more clearly then any had. His breath had been taken, but the male miraculously found it this moment. “I will always love you.” Heath spoke; slowly he leaned forward, Lips gracing her maw, trailing down her face and to her neck. Heath could not imagine a moment where he would not, could not remember a second of life before he had begun.

His light colored hand resting against the mattress beside her head, the other running along her thigh, no longer feeling the hesitation he had in the common living room. His mouth moved down, lips and tongue gracing her color lightly, moving further and further down. Slow, with a heat that rolled and boiled beneath his skin Heath fed the fire, dark fingers trailing up along her side once more. Fingers touched her chest, eyes wandering to watch the contract of dark and silver. His black nose touched the base of her neck, eyes closed momentarily as he listened to the pulse beneath it. Softly, Heath touched the curve that led to the peak of her breast. His tongue reached for it, kissing her nipple as he had her lips.



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