love, reign over me


Anu had found that the young the wolf, the easier to read the feelings that lingered beyond their face. Princess was not transparent, very much the opposite, but Anu was not phased by her change of status. She went from fine to something much to the left of that, and what made the transition easy for Anu was the fact that she simply had not believed her to be well in the first place. Patiently Anu waited, knowing that it might take a moment or two for her to gather her thoughts into words. The female was aware that she might not bring the most comfort to Princess, for they were not close and Anu had the tag of leadership that intimidated some. As always the high General sat with her mind opened to the possibilities, whiling to accept each and help her pack mate as best she could.

Blue eyes moved over her face, ears eager to take in the words that Princess fought to create. Anu nodded, accepting the first statement and then silently saying that she was ready for more. What she said felt like a lifetime, or years of complications rolled together into one lumped sentence. Water hued eyes watched her face, listening to its expression just as much as the tone that was spoken. It was soft, almost as whisper and Anu picture her son when Princess spoke of him. She waited, allowing her to finish everything she hoped to say and then sat still on the couch.

Her confession was half expected, and Anu could not lie and say she had not imagined Princess saying those words the moment she saw that she was the one sitting on the couch alone. Her tone was soft, speaking from the mother that live inside, picking the most important out from all that she said and asking,
“Have you ever been in love?” Eyes remained on the female’s face and unmoving. Indeed Anu felt a bit of protectiveness over her son, knowing that he could be hurt by her made Anu want to shield him from that possibility. But she did not think of that, nor would she. This was about Haven, but only in retrospect. Princess spoke to her now, bring her a problem and Anu had to let her desire to keep her son as safe as he had been as a pup go. His happiness was far more important, and his fate was so obviously connected to this female.


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