A little birdy told me...

She wouldn't normally be the type to accept a puppy into her life, but she couldn't deny a plea for help...especially from her older sibling. Dierdre had been one of the ones to help pull her out of the avalanche when she had been overtaken by it when she had lived in Storm. The dark wolf had grown up respecting Dierdre for that one instance, at the very least.

As she looked about her nose was working as well, recognizing the very unique scent of her sister as she grew nearer to the child. The smell would fade with time, but she would breath in as much of the familiar scent as she could before then.

He came to her very suddenly and the wolf looked down as he raced to her side. He seemed very excited indeed...and she had never seen coloration like his on a pup before. His pelt played little tricks on her eyes as she tried to get a better look at him, blending in with the white backdrop all around them. "Eh..Mommy? You're the one I came here looking for, yeah? Lotus? What exactly did Dierdre tell you to look for?" She wasn't expecting the whelp to be calling her mother, that she could be a mother to somebody. It was a bit of shock to her mind, and she took a moment to recover before speaking again. "Dierdre isn't hanging around?"

She knelt down to be closer to his level. Hopefully he wouldn't be scared away by her cloak..or her sword or many piercings. Most were completely healed, as far as she knew...she could twist them with her fingers without any pain. The dark wolf reached a hand down to remove the note from around the pup's neck, if he would allow it.


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