Walks along,
Kelly's nerves eased as she noticed the comforting nod of the Cheif. This was the type of leader Kelly wanted to follow. She sat up straight and perked her ears up and became more confident of herself. When she was asked about her abilities, she didn't hesitate. "I am able to understand what goes around me..." when she noticed this didn't really make sence, she continued. "I feel the earth sprirtually. I can sence sharply where danger is, how far away, and when it will occur. Not always though. But that's not all..." thinking that her sharp sences were normal she continued with some better information. "I have a kind heart, I can talk others out of things to prevent conflict. I understand others easily and know how to get inside their feelings." Maybe he'll want to hear battle info instead... Kelly thought to herself. "I can jump high; able to get quietly into trees to spy apon if needed. I'm very fast, and understand wind currents to prevent an enemy from smelling my scent when the winds blows their way." More... "I have been on my own for the longest time and know nothing of how to get along with other wolves, but my battle techniques are amazing." Kelly smiled. "If you accept me into your pack, you'll be getting a good heart that will risk her life for you." Kelly bowed and closed her eyes in respect. This could be a new jouney for her. Or she could be chased away and on her own again. This leader seemed good hearted and a chief for the right reasons. What ever happened, she had to make the best of it. But what if she did get accepted? She thought. How will the other members treat her? She couldn't cling on to being accepted that much for right now, although she had to stay confident. Opening her eyes, her head still down she looked up at the cheif's face, waiting for what will happen next.

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