i don't feel the same

Haha, that post was cute.

It had been such a scare to have his father sick for so long. As soon as Kansas heard what had happened, he had been terrified, and Phoenix lying helplessly in the chamber of their pack den had been one of the hardest things to see. Naniko had been there to help, which was at the time a great comfort to Kansas, and probably to everyone else there. Still, Phoenix had been down for quite some time, and, being a worrisome child, Kansas had been concerned that even with Naniko’s instructions, his Papa wouldn’t pull through. He, Icarus, and Ember would have been left alone forever.

He often wondered how Phoenix was dealing with their mother’s absence… Kansas didn’t quite know what it was like to be without a mate, as he’d never had a relationship like that. He imagined, however, that it had to be extremely difficult; especially since none of them knew when Iskata was going to return… if at all. But as always, his father was keeping his life in motion; still his calm, protective, gentle self, there for Kansas and his siblings no matter what. Kansas’ admiration was heightened even more, impossible as that seemed.

Well, Kansas had been thinking about what Phoenix had guessed a little bit. He did intend to ask his father about it, when he was feeling courageous. But for now, he wanted to know all about shifting – it seemed like the more comfortable topic of discussion. "I was wondering about shifting. Does…does it hurt? And when can I do it?" He tried to restrain the excitement in his voice, but failed miserably.


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