i don't feel the same

I’m sorry for the wait. I got grounded. And it’s short.

Kansas wouldn’t have been disappointed had his father broken down at the mention of Iskata. He didn’t understand exactly the benefits of releasing one’s sorrows, but he did remember that it always felt good to cry when he was upset, rare as it was that he shed tears now. He had seen enough of his father to know that if he showed a bit of the hurt Kansas knew he was feeling, Phoenix was still strong. It had been a good thing to tell his son that he missed his mate – in fact, it was reassuring. Kansas felt much less like a whiny baby for the sadness he was feeling toward his mother’s and sister’s disappearances.

Still, he was happy to see Phoenix laugh; Kansas just couldn’t imagine what it was Phoenix had expected. The boy shrugged to himself, still gazing up at his papa, awaiting instructions. As his father spoke, he grew more and more nervous. What if he proved to be a disappointment, and couldn’t do this at all? He wanted to shift successfully so badly. He nodded, and closed his eyes, trying to imagine his limbs elongating and his body taking the humanlike form of the Optime. But his thoughts wandered to his siblings, if they had done this before, and if he was the last one to try it out… thus, without the focus, Kansas remained the same.

He opened his eyes, but they were downcast with shame. Nothing happened…


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